1:1 mentoring to open up your connection with Source
& turn your intuitive nature into your purpose.

Let me guess...

You LOVE all things mystical.
You've spent the last couple of years diving into your spirituality (in private). You LOVE all things mystical; from tarot cards to crystals & pendulums, you invest a good deal of your money on healers & psychics. You've read tons of books on Spirituality & have even considered (or have already taken) an energy healing course.

You pick up on things intuitively.
You get 'downloads' out of nowhere & it usually ends up being true. You're highly sensitive & feel everything: almost to the point of overwhelm (specially when you're in large groups). You've always been able to read people: you have a sense of who someone is as soon as you meet them. But, you also have a hard time trusting those insights.

You want a direct connection with Source.
You've had some deeply mystical experiences with plant medicine, in healing sessions or at sacred places. You loved how close you felt to that higher power. Now, you want to develop a connection with It on your own. Without a third party involved, you want to hear It's messages directly.
Your intuitive nature is the key to living your purpose.
If you're naturally sensitive, attuned to other's feelings & an innate people reader, you have a hidden psychic gift. Most likely, its still at an undeveloped stage, where you know you have something, but you don't trust it or know what to do with it. Good news is: you can learn to develop it. Psychic abilities are actually skills: you can acquire them though technique & practice.
This was my case: I wasn't born a psychic medium. I became one... all because I came across the right method to unlock my potential!
Learn to connect with Source to receive guidance & healing with my tried-&-true method.
You already have the potential to become psychic; you just need a method to systematically connect with Source.
In my opinion, learning an attested channeling technique from an experienced psychic is the best way to build trust in your intuitive abilities. That is what this mentoring program is all about!
Inside this safe container, you'll learn how to:
- Connect with Source through a reliable method so you can get clarity whenever you need it.
- Use this method to channel divine guidance & provide clarity for others.
- Clear yourself when you've taken on other people's negative energy.
- Work with energy so you can help people on their healing journey.

Learn to connect directly with Source so you can enter flow state easily. Build trust in growing your abilities with my trade-marked spiritual healing technique.

Learn a practical step-by-step approach to working with clients & make an impact in their lives.

Discover your soul's mission & how to put your intuitive gifts into practice with my 4 mystic system blueprint.

Learn to channel Source in 6 months.
Go from getting intuitive hits sporadically to fully trusting your ability to channel Source in 6 months.

1:1 Mentoring
Monthly Zoom calls to tailor the program to your specific needs.

Community of intuitives.
Join the community & exchange insights with intuitive beings just like you.

24/7 access to email support
Get all of your questions answered when you need them.
I'm a psychic medium.
However, I wasn’t born psychic.
I only tapped into my abilities in my 30s. I didn’t know my high sensitivity & intuitive nature actually hid a spiritual gift! It was only until I trained under an experienced psychic healer that my clairsenses really popped open in 2020. At that point, I felt a clear calling to share my gift professionally.
I believe many of you were born with the potential to be psychic, like I was. You just need the right tools & practices to awaken your hidden gift into its fullest expression!
Client Testimonials
You'll get the most out of this mentoring program if:
- You're ready to connect directly with Source. You love going to a good intuitive or plant medicine retreat, but you don't want your connection with God/Goddess to rely fully on a third party anymore.
- You want to figure out your soul's purpose. You know you're meant to be helping people, you know its related to spirituality, but you don't quite know how.
- You're on a healing journey & you want tools to work on yourself.

How do I know (for sure) if I have a psychic gift?
Can I take the program if I only want these tools for personal use?
How much time is required in terms of homework?
Tell me more about this spiritual healing tool.
How long does it take to complete the program?
Need to speak with me before joining?
You can book a discovery call with me below to get all your queries answered.